Worship and learning opportunities are available for all ages. In living out our mission statement, we open our doors to a variety of community groups, including: Family Promise of Yellowstone Valley, WIC, the Billings Food Bank, Crisis Fund and blood drives, the Lutheran Center, Backpacks for Youth, Lutheran Social Services, Habitat for Humanity,
Al-Anon/Alateen, various support groups, the Angel Tree Network, the Growers Association of Yellowstone Valley, school pantries, Skyview High School Speech & Debate Team, Senior High Music Department, Scouting groups, annual piano recitals and National Night Out.
These community interests share space with Atonement programs such as Preschool, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group, Lutheran Youth Collective, Bible study, Music Ministry, Men’s Square, Handyman Ministry, WELCA, Fabric & Faith, Outdoor Ministry and many more!
Atonement offers many opportunities for you to give of your time and talent in service connecting us to others. Some of these are one-time, short-term opportunities, while others are for longer periods of time. Share your skills and interests with local community service or international missions, hospitality, parish support, children/youth, music, team service, worship leadership or one of many other areas that motivates you.
Time & Talent/Giving Form
Sign up and start connecting. Email, mail or drop off. Learn more about our exciting ministries, programs and volunteer opportunities, here!
"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received" (1 Peter 4:10)